Dr. Joseph Mercola Lights the Path Towards Good Health!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Do you want to find out why a low-carbohydrate diet is better than a low-fat diet? Or ever wonder what Warren Buffett’s seven secrets are for living a happy and simple life?

Get all the information you need to start living healthy and happy at Mercola.com. Mercola.com is consistently among the world’s most popular natural health websites but it’s so much more than just a website – it’s a guide towards a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Joseph Mercola, one of the most recognizable names in the health and wellness industry today, is the dynamic force behind Mercola.com. It started a decade ago mainly as a tool for Dr. Mercola to share information with patients and fellow health professionals. Now, Mercola.com is a comprehensive and convenient resource for everything you need when it comes to your health.

Are you confused about what’s good and what’s harmful for your body? Be better informed and stay up to date with what’s happening in the world of medicine by subscribing for free to the Mercola.com Natural Health Newsletter. Express your views regarding the current health issues by blogging at the Health Blog. If you’re too busy to regularly go online, don’t worry, you can find what you’ve missed at the Health Archive, home to more than 20,000 articles on useful information related to your health.

Dr. Mercola first practiced traditional medicine as an osteopathic physician but was left unsatisfied with the conventional approach to healing. He turned to studying natural medicine and armed with knowledge in the traditional and alternative healing methods, founded his own clinic, the Optimal Wellness Center, which was later renamed the Natural Wellness Center.

For Dr. Mercola, a healthy diet is a vital part of optimal health. Mercola.com offers a premium line of all-natural products designed for your health needs and sourced from around the world, including the Antarctic Ocean and the Himalayas.

At Mercola.com, you’re sure to find what you need in order to stay healthy. Don’t get left out, log on to Mercola.com now!